Text Input

📝 Text Input Setting

There are 3 different text inputs, Standard, Multiline, and Multiple, depending on the values of multiline and multiple.

Setting both multiple and multiline to true doesn't combine them. Multiple will take priority.

Standard Text Input

Setting Definition
type TextInputSetting = {
  type: 'text-input'
  label: string
  id: string
  defaultValue?: string
  placeholder?: string
  description?: string

If no defaultValue is given, the default value is empty string ''.

Multiline Text Input

Set multiline to true to create a multiline text input.

This works as a text area that automatically resizes to fit the content.

Setting Definition
type TextInputMultilineSetting = {
  type: 'text-input'
  label: string
  id: string
  multiline: true
  defaultValue?: string
  placeholder?: string
  description?: string

If no defaultValue is given, the default value is empty string ''.

Multiple Text Input

Set multiple to true to create a multiple text input.

This allows the user to create a list of strings.

Setting Definition
type TextInputMultipleSetting = {
  type: 'text-input'
  label: string
  id: string
  multiple: true
  defaultValue?: string[]
  placeholder?: string
  description?: string

If no defaultValue is given, the default value is an empty array [].


addEventListener('slime2:ready', () => {
  slime2.widget.loadSettings('widget-data.js', [
      label: 'Alert Text',
      id: 'alertText',
      type: 'text-input',
      defaultValue: 'Thank you for subscribing {user}!',
      placeholder: 'Enter in your alert text',
      description: "{user} will be replaced by the user's display name",
      label: 'Custom CSS',
      id: 'css',
      type: 'text-input',
      multiline: true,
      placeholder: 'The CSS defined here will be applied on the widget box',
      label: 'Bots',
      id: 'bots',
      type: 'text-input',
      multiple: true,
      defaultValue: ['Sery_Bot', 'Nightbot', 'StreamElements', 'Streamlabs'],
      placeholder: 'Bot name',
      description: "These bots won't show up in the chat box.",
Initial Data
  "alertText": "{user} has subscribed!",
  "css": "",
  "bots": ["Sery_Bot", "Nightbot", "StreamElements", "Streamlabs"]

Text Input Preview