Number Input

#️⃣ Number Input Setting

There are 2 different number inputs, Standard and Slider, depending on the value of slider.

By default, step is 1, which allows only integers. Setting step to 'any' will allow any decimal numbers.

min and max values aren't strictly enforced, so ensure that you validate them in your code.

Standard Number Input

Setting Definition
type NumberInputSetting = {
  type: 'number-input'
  label: string
  id: string
  defaultValue?: number | null
  min?: number
  max?: number
  step?: number | 'any'
  placeholder?: string
  description?: string

If no defaultValue is given, the default value is null, and will also be null if the user empties out the input field.

Slider Number Input

Set slider to true to create a slider number input.

A slider is shown with the min and max values labeled, alongside a standard number input that shares the slider value and can be directly modified.

Setting Definition
type NumberSliderInputSetting = {
  type: 'number-input'
  label: string
  id: string
  slider: true
  defaultValue?: number | null
  min?: number
  max?: number
  step?: number | 'any'
  placeholder?: string
  description?: string

If no defaultValue is given, the default value is null, and will also be null if the user empties out the input field.

For sliders, by default, min === 0 and max === 100.


addEventListener('slime2:ready', () => {
  slime2.widget.loadSettings('widget-data.js', [
      label: 'Font Size (px)',
      id: 'fontSize',
      type: 'number-input',
      defaultValue: 16,
      step: 1,
      min: 8,
      description: 'Message text size',
      label: 'Volume (%)',
      id: 'volume',
      type: 'number-input',
      slider: true,
      defaultValue: 50,
      step: 1,
      min: 0,
      max: 100,
      description: 'Sound effect volume',
Initial Data
{ "fontSize": 16, "volume": 50 }

Number Input Preview